Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Father Searching for Two Missing Daughters, Last Seen Outside Barcelona

Please Help Find Thanit & Athena (ages 11 & 9)...

...let them know their father loves them, their grandpa and grandma love them, and their brother and sisters love them (only 4, 3 and 1 years old).

Gideon & Althea ask all the time,
"How long before we get to play with our sisters?"

Thanit & Athena have been missing since they were kidnapped on a family trip to Spain.

My children and wife are everything in my life. I miss Thanit & Athena terribly. My career has had to wait until Thanit & Athena are found safe.

The painful reality of gender bias and discrimination mean I may never see Thanit & Athena again...

...gender prejudice negatively impacts every aspect of Thanit & Athenas' situation and affects everyone in our family.

Watching people  me totally convinced gender inequality and discrimination are the most important issues we face as humans.

Please take a moment to consider Thanit & Athenas' case (consider how you are influenced by gender).

Our last contact with Thanit & Athena, our two oldest, (ages 11 & 9) was watching as they were carried away kidnapped and remain missing. If you happen to know anything, please help.

The girls were kidnapped by the non-custodial mother to Spain with help from a Spanish law firm, Roca y Junyent, after the pediatrician documented their mother physically abusing them.

A scary aspect of Abuse Trauma is its limitless capacity to harm - because of its tendency to pass through victims to new victims (transforming victims into abusers on the way).

Victim/abusers say the only thing that makes the pain/anger feel better is to make an innocent victim 'share' those feelings.

dictate public opinion, legal reasoning and Legal Authorities' target goals. , impossible to fight against embed presumptions each person's decision, at each step of the administrative process to assess their well-being.

(gender equality is making slow progress by focusing all effort on removing barriers for women) defended by rauma too pervasive, effects too deep-rooted (truth that essentially all men are awful) facts in Thanit & Athena's case  minimized, dismissed and ignored, and by every Court ruling, Official Government procedure and action by legal authorities 

 case deep-seeded sexual prejudice, prone to overflow into active animosity.

The above facts as well as Thanit & Athenas' nationality and their habitual residence.

proven indisputably facts in the case disturbing questions.

The marriage to Thanit & Athena's mother lasted only a year. Our separation began four months before Thanit's birth when I found her mother cheating on me. Our separation lasted two years, delay caused by mother's repeated requests that we try to reconcile for the sake of the child(red).

Their sisters' situation is messy and I don't want to do anything that would make it worse.

Every few days or so, for the past year, my wife, Kate, and I take our daughters and son (age 2 & 1) on a small excursion.

We do things to include, remember and celebrate their missing sisters, Thanit & Athena (age 9 & 7), and send them happy, loving thoughts.

We take these excursions while doing everything we can to find and contact Thanit & Athena

It is urgent we contact Thanit & Athena.

Early this year, Thanit & Athena’s custody case ended with a landmark verdict – concerns about the children’s safety led the Court not to award custody to the mother for the first time* on the basis of three (3) indisputable facts…
  •     Throughout the entire marriage, the mother (U.S. resident), father and children (U.S. citizens) resided in the U.S. They never lived in Spain.
  •     According to the mother, and her attorney, no cases had been filed in Spain.
  •    In contrast to the Court’s concerns for the children’s safety with regards to the mother… “Throughout the entire course of this case, there was not one scintilla of evidence nor any testimony whatsoever that the Husband/Father has ever acted in any way other than as an appropriate and suitable Husband and Father.”

The Court ordered the mother to put Thanit & Athena in contact with their family in Boston **

After the mother did not comply with the ruling (and refused to respond to any and all efforts to contact her and her family) – authorities reported Thanit & Athena ‘kidnapped’ and listed them as ‘missing’ [February 2016].

The situation is troubling because the mother was the victim of child abuse by her father, who later abandoned her – as Spanish Court records show.

Data indicates emotional child abuse (ie. telling children their father abandoned them) can cause more damage (and more permanent damage) than any other form of abuse [i.e. more than sexual or physical abuse].

Experts now know that all abusers are prior victims of abuse.
Two thirds of abuse victims end up abusing their own children.

Kate, my wife, and I realize we are fortunate to never have been exposed to abuse. Our mothers are old friends. Kate was friends with my little sister growing up. And, we have known each other most of our lives.

Nobody blames the mother. The important thing is for Thanit & Athena to be put in contact with their family.

The mother was aggressively represented by a large Massachusetts law firm throughout the case. Nevertheless, based on “testimony [mother testified via Skype] and evidence presented at trial and throughout five (5) years of litigation… affording fair and full opportunity to present evidence at every stage in the proceeding, including multiple appeals…[by the mother]”

In the process of trying to locate and contact Thanit & Athena, their family has learned…

  • The mother is listed on the web as a (recent) member of feminist organizations [NGO’s] in Spain. After the father requested divorce in 2006, the mother appears to have joined and requested help from the NGO’s. The NGO’s offer to provide members (a) legal services
  • Bogus cases filed (secretly) in Spain against the father for ‘abandoning Thanit & Athena’ [after the initial U.S. divorce was filed May 2009]. The bogus Spanish cases required fabricating (a) official documents showing the father to be a Spanish resident and (b) “evidence” the mother’s U.S. lawyers forgot to give the U.S. Court.
  • Postings on the web suggest the mother used Social Media to secretly spread irresponsible, malicious misinformation allegedly about the father (paternal family).

Each of these revelations was shocking. None of them should have happened.

The facts in this case should have protected Thanit & Athena from all of these things.

In addition to the Court’s findings...

  • The children’s pediatrician reported Athena had been physically harmed by her mother – which resulted in the mother fleeing to Spain with the children.
  • The mother has a long history of violence (a) one that resulted in the hospitalization of a classmate in Spain (b) assaulting and threating to kill an elementary school teacher in the U.S. and (c) numerous minor incidents.
  • The mother is a talented writer, a professional blogger, earning a proportion from the adds, when people are intrigued to click on her page. During the marriage, she wrote a sensational tale “the true confessions of a married and officially retired, sex worker” (2005-2007) that according to comments, readers believed to be true.

Whatever the mother said to people in the NGO’s, the lawyers, the government officials and people on Social Media, the facts should never have stopped them from doing so many (a) unlawful things (b) things that would harm children.

*Barnstable Court (Massachusetts) has awarded mothers full custody (91%) or shared custody (9%) in all cases, save those involving maternal drug use.




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